Monday, April 15, 2013

This is the 13th Annual International School Nurses of Asia Conference that held in Brunei Darussalam hosted by JIS(Jerudong International School) and ISB( International School of Brunei).

Actually why we (Delfi, Frans, Dewi, Lenny and me Lydia of course) create this blog is to share our knowledge and experiences as a school nurse in Indonesia. 

School is an educational place. Students come to "feed their brain" with knowledge and skill.
But we can't ignore that we need to keep our body healthy. And to support that, we need school nurse.
Not all school here in Indonesia have school nurse. And if they have nurse, not all the nurses have opportunity to attend the conferences or any  educational "things" about health in school environment.

In this blog, we will upload experiences and information that we can get from conference or educational development that we have and also we can share and a place that we can have question and answer.
If there is any question, please email us on
We will try to help you out.

Sorry kalau bahasa Inggrisnya masih kacau. kalau ada salah kata mohon maaf ya. Sambil belajar kita memperbaiki yang salah.

Delfi, Frans, Dewi, Lenny and "me" Lydia

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Akhirnya di realease

Kak Delfi, Kak Dewi, Bang Frans, dan Kak Lenny,
Akhirnya direlease juga blog kita.
Mudah2an ini awal langkah kita membentuk asosiasi school nurse se Indonesia.
Dan bisa berkembang baik menolong sekolah2 mendapatkan lingkungan sekolah yang sehat secara holistik dan bisa menjadi lapangan pekerjaan bagi nurse-nurse yang tertarik bekerja di lingkungan pendidikan di Indonesia